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Friday, January 29, 2010

The concrete objectives of the partnership are:

The promotion of understanding between European citizens.
To design and develop new educational approaches.
To show students how to discover their own and other peoples’ cultural heritage.
Develop skills in cross-curricular and cross-cultural co-operation, strengthening links with the wider European community.
Develop expertise, knowledge, motivation, achievement and new skill for students and teachers.
To compare our educational systems.
Make students become lifelong learners and acquaint themselves with the wider world through interaction with others.
To foster a positive feeling towards the EC.To improve the English of all participants to be involved.
To make all partners familiar with working with ICT and new methods of teaching.
The use of new technology, which teenagers are familiar with, for educational purposes. e.g.: Internet blogs, Skype, Msn, e-books.
To deal with subjects related to the final leaving school exam such as: school, health, home, family and social life, work, travel and tourism, eating, shopping and services, people, sport/culture, science andtechnology, nature environment, state and society. These topics are also related to the B2 national English language examinations.Increase the students motivation to learn English.
We will influence students to get to know the culture of the participating countries.
We will initiate a long lasting and fruitful cooperation between the five schools.
The schools will exchange experience.
Equip our students with skills and qualities useful on the European Labour Market (biographies etc) and useful for the society / tolerance, openness, creativity, courage, self-esteem.

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